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Product Name 3-(2-Morpholino-thien-2-yl)-5-(2,5-dihydro-4-methyl-2-[morpholin-1- ylidene-onium]-thien-5-ylidene)-1,2-dioxo-cyclopenten-4-olate
CAS Number 139255-43-9
Molecular Formula C21H20N2O5S2
Molecular Weight (g/mol) 444.52
Melting Point oC 280-305 (DSC-Dec)
Solubility Soluble in Chlorinated Hydrocarbons
Assay (%) 95
Appearance Brown-Black Crystals
Application Purified Pigment for Electrophotography
Absorption Maximum (nm) 792
Extinction Coefficient 229087
Absorptivity (L.g-1cm-1) 515
U0 0.56 V (vs SCE, CH2Cl2)
Reduction Potential -0.4 V (vs SCE, Methylene chloride
Oxidation Potential 0.56 V (vs SCE, Methylene chloride)
Comments Purified pigment with very low content of soluble impurities